Google Ads Tweaks That Immediately Boost Sales

E-commerce PPC Tweaks

Your brand's image and the price that is shown with the goods will determine 80% of how well your shopping campaigns succeed.

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Test the Google Shopping Product Images

Look at how other items that you are competing with appear for your keywords on Google Shopping.

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Check The Price In Your Feed

Because customers frequently click on the most affordable listing, lowering your price might generate a double boost in clickthrough rate.

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Regional Service Provider PPC Modifications

These adjustments are applicable to nationally companies who provide product design or sales training.

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Utilise keyword in landing page headlines

You may get 60% lower lead costs from the same traffic you're buying by using the visitors' state or city in your advertising and landing pages.

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Local PPC Tweaks

These tweaks apply to local brick-and-mortar stores. Keyword selection and landing page design are key to Google Ads success

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Scale up results by using product keywords

85% of customers come from one keyword type. Gain market share by attracting new long-term buyers through individual items you sell.

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Use Location In Your Ads

Local shopping is more practical than online shopping. In this situation, local tips should be present on your landing page.

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